With prosperity comes fat--it's a sad and timeless problem dating back to the kings of old, who brandished their turkey leg while wearing a well-rounded doublet. With the rise in obesity comes a rise in many diseases. New fad diets and exercise programs advertise ways to win but it seems "the battle of the bulge" is one that rages on for many. Life today can be very stressful and our fight for health is one we fight against nature--our body is programmed to put on fat when we're stressed.  

The human animal is designed to get as fat as the environment will allow. The pleasure centers of our brains are triggered when we eat, particularly if we eat something that is high in fat and calories, because the body identifies it as a good fuel source. When that signal goes out to a cave-dweller who hasn't eaten in two days, it tells him to eat as much as he can find, which probably isn't much. These pleasure-center foods became the first thing the hunting party went after and gradually a list emerged of the best fuel sources in the environment. Sadly, the internal messages that kept us alive as cave dwellers may be what kills us today. Visit phen375 reviews, for more important information about the best fat burner supplements.

Stress is another contributing factor in our metabolism. Our bodies assume that stress means our survival is compromised, and when we feel stress our entire system goes into starvation mode. Every calorie has to count at a time when food might soon be in short supply and the body sends out the signal to store as much fat as possible, just in case. Of course, the pleasure center goes into overdrive trying to solve the problem by sending out cravings for high-fat-high-calorie foods--a smart move if the problem really is starvation. However, most of the problems of the modern world have nothing to do with food shortage. With the cry for help from our metabolism, stress all but forces us to eat chocolate ice cream until we have every problem we started with and an upset stomach, too.  Follow the link to get more information on phen375 fat burner.

The trick is to re-program the body, circumventing the message that an increase in appetite will solve all problems. Fat burner supplements are available that contain synthetic enzymes, not medications, to stimulate the metabolism. Eating less thanks to a decrease in appetite and drinking more thanks to a subtle side effect of feeling thirsty, the dieter flushes their system with water and cuts down on portion size. Dieters just aren't hungry and smaller portions are easy. The pre-programmed messages that try to throw carbohydrates at our problems never come and as such there are no cravings. Basically, the supplements make it possible to diet without having to struggle against the well-intentioned sabotage of chocolate-ice-cream-instincts.

We suffer from plenty, which is a really fabulous problem to have. However, the human animal that used to actively participate in the food chain was not designed to sit in a cubical all day and be surrounded by food at all times. If storing every calorie away to prepare for some mythical winter is not the goal, use a phen 375 fat burner supplement to tell the body that there is no danger, it is safe, and starvation isn't just around the corner.

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